Organization profile
In recent years, data science tools have become widespread in the business world with the promise of leveraging the ever-increasing amount of available information. Indeed, data science has found applications in almost every sector. Although analyzing large amounts of data is useful for better understanding the functioning of complex systems, its ultimate goal is to facilitate decision-making. Operations research science addresses the problem of making decisions to find optimal or near-optimal solutions while meeting a set of constraints. The availability of data, coupled with increased computational power, has empowered operations research science, making it increasingly relevant and essential in fields such as healthcare, industry, transportation, etc. Through the Data Analytics and Decision Science group, we aim to promote interaction between the data science community and the operations research community to propose new approaches in developing the prescriptive capabilities that organizations will soon need. Currently, the group is developing applications in Peru's major economic sectors, including logistics, mining, agribusiness, and retail, with plans to expand into other important sectors such as healthcare.
Fabien Cornillier
- Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management - Associate Professor
- Computational Sustainability Research Center - CompSust - Researcher
- Research Group in Data Analytics and Decision Sciences (DADS) - Coordinator
Person: Researcher